
How Do I Update From El Capitan To Sierra

How to Upgrade from El Capitan to Sierra?


Performing an El Capitan-to-Sierra upgrade is piece of cake. Although it does not come like a push-one-button-and-proceed method, the truth is information technology's quite close.

Requirements for Upgrading from El Capitan to Sierra

Earlier we proceed with our pace-by-stride guide, allow usa to answer an of import question that some Mac users have in heed: "Tin can an old Mac still upgrade to Sierra?"

The answer is, of course, a YES. However, there are a few minimum requirements that need to be met, such as the following:

  • two GB RAM
  • eight GB Storage Space
  • Mac Models: Late 2009 iMac, 2009 MacBook, 2010 MacBook Pro, 2010 MacBook Air, 2010 Mac Mini, 2010 Mac Pro

Once you are sure that your Mac has met the requirements above, brand sure you take backed up your Mac. This fill-in volition come up in handy in case something comes upwardly in the process of upgrading to Loftier Sierra.

Upgrading from El Capitan to Sierra

Later on backing upward your Mac'southward of import files and folders, information technology'due south fourth dimension to get started. Here's how to upgrade from El Capitan to Sierra.

1. Download High Sierra from the App Shop.

Loftier Sierra is available for download from the App Shop. To get it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Mac App Shop by simply clicking on the App Shop icon in the dock.
  2. Navigate to the Featured tab.
  3. Find macOS Sierra in the rightmost column and click on it.
  4. Click Download.
  5. At this point, the download will beginning. It may take long, specially if information technology's your first time accessing the App Shop. Just be patient.
  6. Once the download is completed, the installer should launch automatically.

2. Offset the Upgrade.

With the High Sierra installer ready, it's time to actually install it. Here'south how:

  1. The High Sierra installer should now be open on your Mac. If y'all have accidentally quit information technology, you can restart information technology by going to the Applications folder and double-clicking on the installer.
  2. Click Go on to proceed.
  3. Press on the Agree push button to hold with the software licensing terms and agreements flashed on your screen.
  4. Click on the Concord button again to verify your action.
  5. Hit Install.
  6. A new dialog box will popular up, requiring y'all to input your administrator password. Provide that information and click Add Helper.
  7. The High Sierra installer will begin copying the arrangement files to the new target drive. The progress will show in a new window.
  8. As before long equally all the organisation files are copied, your Mac will automatically reboot. Don't panic if the restart process takes a while. It only means your Mac is coping with the installation process.

three. Utilize the Setup Banana to Complete the Installation.

Your Mac should already be finished with the basic installation procedure. The next thing you should do is run the Setup Assistant to configure some of import macOS High Sierra options and settings.

Take note, though, that if your Mac is configured to inquire for your login details, a normal login window will bear witness. Provide your login credentials and then you lot can proceed with the following steps:

  1. The Setup Assistant starts off past asking you for your Apple ID details. If you wish to leave everything as it is, click the Set Later option.
  2. Permit the Setup Banana configure all vital services that need your Apple ID credentials. Simply provide your Apple tree ID password and hit Keep.
  3. Click Agree if you agree with the Terms and Atmospheric condition flashed on your screen.
  4. Yous will exist asked to verify your action again. To continue, click Agree once again.
  5. The Setup Assistant should then go along with configuring your iCloud account data. It will also ask you whether y'all want to set up iCloud Keychain. You can just skip it to avoid confusing yourself.
  6. Next, there will be options displayed on your screen regarding how you wish to use iCloud for storing images and documents. Choose which of them apply to you by clicking on the boxes next to each one of them:
    • Store Files from Documents and Desktop in iCloud Drive – This option will allow you to automatically upload files from your Desktop and Documents folder to your iCloud Bulldoze. Be mindful, though, that Apple tree only offers a limited amount of storage space for free users. If all this free space is exhausted, you will be asked to purchase additional storage.
    • Shop Photos and Videos in iCloud Photo Library – This volition let y'all upload videos and images from your Photo Library to iCloud. As with the first option, y'all take to remember that you only accept limited free storage space.
  1. Hit Proceed.
  2. Look for the Setup Banana to stop the setup process.
  3. You will know when it's done considering you lot will be taken to your desktop.


We promise you found this guide useful. But before you download macOS Sierra and perform an upgrade, do not forget to clean upward your Mac with a reliable Mac repair tool first. This way, you tin can ensure that nothing comes your way and keeps yous from making the nigh of Loftier Sierra.

Did we miss some important steps above? Practice you lot know other, easier methods to upgrade from El Capitan from Sierra? We'd honey to know. Annotate on them below!


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